*America's Androgynous Superstar*

WELCOME TO Twiggy's PlayHouse

BEFORE YOU ENTER: GrAb yOuR sElF a LoLlIpOp AnD mAkE yOuRsElF aT hOmE!! ThIs Is My PlAyHoUsE....actually its TWIGGYS....TWIGGY RAMIREZ...he is my fav guy from MARILYN MANSON this is his AnDrOgYnOuS pLaYhOuSe....MaLe AnD fEmAlEs are both welcome...as he once said "Guys, Girls..there both fun"

*Go ahead take one*

Thats my peep hole. Click to enter, *SCABS, GUNS AND PEANUT BUTTER* Make sure you leave everything the way it is...

Email me your comments BeAuTiFuL*NiGhTmArE